We all love the smell of a brand-new car, but inevitably, that wonderful scent disappears over time. This gives us the opportunity to choose the way we keep our cars fresh-smelling. After two months, it was time for me to pull out an air freshener for the Picanto. And just with my previous cars, I use Air Spencer.
I've been a fan of the squash scent for over a decade, and of all the different types of scents, Marine Squash (#059019) is my personal favorite. It's a very pleasant scent that's not overpowering - even with the vent fully open. The ceramic powder form provides zero leakage and the ability to be positioned anywhere in the cabin, as well as coverage that lasts over a month.
Also recommended are Clear Squash (#059024 - a bit on the powdery side) and Sazan Squash (#059028 - a little sweeter scent).
Air Spencer is available at Concorde and Blade branches for Php 299.75. Beware of the Php 100.00 knockoff "Aspen Air" cans at Blade, though.
Air Spencer
For those in the U.S., you can order your Air Spencer at Squash Air. Aside from the Marine Squash can, I highly recommend the compact CS-X3 model.